Maximizing Your Product Visibility with Amazon Search Terms Report


Knowing what terms your customers are searching for is vital for optimizing your product listing and Sponsored advertisements. Therefore, sellers have been aware of Amazon searches often.

One of the most appealing benefits to using Amazon Advertising reports is that you can use the information to customize your advertising advertisements to fit your company's objectives. These reports Amazon the search results report will be the best choice to pinpoint exactly the terms your customers use to search for your products. By using the report you will be able to improve your targeted keywords and your product target according to the goals of your Amazon PPC.

How often do you need to look at the report? What do you do with the keywords driving traffic and sales? Let's talk about the various keywords within this post.

Amazon Sponsored Products Search Terms PPC Report

Amazon reports on search phrases offer insight into keywords' visibility that are caused by consumers clicking. Find out how you can get more impressions from the correct group of keywords that are relevant to your product. Additionally, you can find negative terms for keywords that aren't driving traffic.

How do I get this report? Search Terms Report on Amazon?

First stepLog in to your Amazon central seller account, then click "Reports".

Step 2 - Select Advertising Reports, and Create Report.

Step 3- Under All Campaigns,select Sponsored Products.

Step 4 - Choose Report type as Search Terms. Provide the timeframe of the report. And, click Run Report.

How can you analyze Amazon Search Terms Report?

As we have mentioned that the main purpose of this report is to determine those that are most pertinent and highly search terms used by users which have led to a click. Also, use these search terms to improve the relevancy and lower the amount of ad spending for your Sponsored Ad Campaigns.

Here are a few items that you will find in the Search Terms report:

  • Campaign Name

  • Ad Group Name

  • Portfolio Name

  • Keyword Match Type

  • Customer Search Terms

  • Impressions

  • Clicks

  • CTR (Click-through-rate)

  • CPC (Cost-per-click)

  • Amount Spent

  • Total ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale)

  • Total Return on Advertising Spend ( RoAS)

  • Total Sales

  • Conversion Rate

Pro Tips: Using the portfolio to create segments for your ad campaigns is suggested for improved management of your campaigns. You can also segment your ad groups and campaigns by product type and features, for example.

How do you use the search term?

Optimize Existing PPC Campaigns

In order to gather sufficient data to make a keyword selection for your search, you must have the search term report for at least seven days.

Find the keywords that drive sales and will result in a better conversion rate. Include these keywords in your current campaigns. Also, look for irrelevant keywords that aren't providing enough clicks or conversions. You can add these keywords to your "negative keyword" to reduce the amount of ad spending that is wasted.

Notification:Here, the key indicators to be monitored are sales Clicks, CTR, clicks and order numbers.

With the assistance of right segmentation and keywords data you can shut off the ad groups that are generating impressions and clicks but not producing conversions.

Pro Tips:It's good to audit your PPC campaigns to ensure that they are optimized. Use the no-cost Amazon PPC Audit tool to gain a new view of your Sponsored Products campaigns.

Create Manual Campaigns

Take advantage of the search term data created by the automated campaigns and then use these search terms and keywords in your favor. It is recommended to consider at least a month's worth of data prior to deciding on. With the report on search terms it is possible to identify and identify the keywords that are turning to sales through the use of the 'Total Sales' measurement. Find these keywords and then create manual campaigns.

In the past, Amazon reports on search terms provided the exact SKU details for that search phrase. But, the information is not available anymore. Therefore, if you design your campaign's structure using one SKU for each ad group you can determine the effectiveness of your keyword to the specific SKU that was clicked.

However having several SKUs in one group of ads will be a mystery since you will never figure out which keyword that was converted is related to the product.

Observe Consumer Trends and Behavior

It is recommended to check the search term report frequently to gain insight into trends in customer behavior and purchasing habits. You can filter the search term report by the most popular Total Ad Spend. You can identify the ones that are not converting, and decrease the CPC associated with those keywords or suspend your keyword during a certain period of time.

Filter the report by the amount you spend on ads to see the terms used in search that lead to conversions. This can help you decrease your cost of sales and boost your profits. By doing this, you can prioritize your time and resources to focus on keywords that convert well.

Make sure your listings are optimized for relevant keywords for your search.

Amazon uses search terms to determine relevancy of your listings. If your price is very excessive and you're not getting any clicks with the search term it is possible that you need to improve your listings for your products. Make use of these terms in search results to modify your product's description as well as the title as well as bullet point descriptions. Be sure to include the main points that describe the product such as characteristics, features, and uses, for example.

Optimize Backend Search Terms

Amazon backend keywords are essential to get higher quality traffic. Utilize the search terms to focus on the backend of your keywords. This improves the relevance of your product.


Amazon Sponsored Products search terms report can provide information about the past data on what your customers are searching for when they want to locate an item. Make use of this report to analyze and improve your website's listings and PPC campaigns for greater relevance and ease of discovery.


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